Face > Blepharoplasty
Monday – Friday: 07:00 AM–10:00 PM (CT), Saturday 08:00 AM–4:00 PM (CT)
Face > Blepharoplasty
to treat under-eye bags
Non-surgical alternative (Minimally Invasive) to treat bags
It is a minimally invasive radiofrequency technology, it can be used to tighten the sagging skin of the eyelids and under local or local anesthesia and sedation.
It is important to determine if the redundant skin is the only problem or if there are some other factors;
Se evalúa la cantidad de piel en exceso (superior e inferior)
La grasa en exceso, las bolsas que hay que retirar (párpado superior e inferior)
Presencia de surcos periorbitarios.
Tono de los párpados inferiores.
The eyes are brighter, the face younger and the look more remarkable. The results look as natural as possible.
The recovery time is determined by the combination of procedures, after blepharoplasty, the following approximate times are recommended
Recommendations can be modified, recovery times vary in some cases and are recommended by Dr. Raúl Lopez
Apart from evaluating the patient, in the consultation with Dr. Raúl López, we show the patients other cases similar to the patient’s so they can see the results and clearly understand what we are looking for. This allows patients to see what can be achieved with these types of procedures, all focused on achieving a natural result.