Body and Chest > Body >> HD Liposuction
Abdominal muscles (oblique, midline, rectus and serratus)
Body and Chest > Body >> HD Liposuction
The most commonly treated areas include the abdomen and arms. The male and female approach is usually treated a little differently. HD liposuction in men is focused more on defining the rectus and pectoral muscles creating a visible “six pack”. The majority of our female patients look for more subtle results, the midline of the abdomen and obliques are defined, and we also create a smaller waist.
Muscles that can be defined include:
VASER is an ultrasound technology that helps extract fat from compact areas or fibrosis and also produces a retraction of the skin. Most of it is used for high definition liposuction to define certain muscles, giving results with a more regular surface.
Post-operative care, diet and exercise are necessary for the patient to maintain their results.
Patients are asked for one week of rest. Usually a week after high definition surgery, the patient can return to office work. Three to four weeks later, exercising in moderation can be resumed.
Three weeks after surgery, patients may start taking endermologie or lymphatic massages. These are not required but are recommended for skin recovery. Endermologie packages are available at our clinic.