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HD Liposuction

What is High Definition Liposuction for?

Liposuction has been practiced for over 40 years. Techniques have been revolutionizing to remove fat and define shape through liposuction and lipoinjection. Reducing stubborn fat might be more difficult for some people than for others. Exercise and diet alone may not be useful for this purpose. For these people, liposuction is an excellent option to consider.

HD liposuction is an evolved liposuction procedure created to contour and define the patient’s body and muscles, giving an athletic result. Excess fat surrounding the muscles is removed to make them look more defined through Vaser liposuction and specialized techniques and other technologies combined to obtain the best results in both female and male patients.

Areas treated

The most commonly treated areas include the abdomen and arms. The male and female approach is usually treated a little differently. HD liposuction in men is focused more on defining the rectus and pectoral muscles creating a visible “six pack”. The majority of our female patients look for more subtle results, the midline of the abdomen and obliques are defined, and we also create a smaller waist.

Muscles that can be defined include:

  • Abdominal muscles (oblique, midline, rectus and serratus)

  • Pectorals

  • Arms and Shoulders (deltoids, biceps, triceps)

  • Legs (quadriceps, abductors)

  • Back (Trapezius)


  • Liposuction HD is recommended in healthy patients who diet and exercise regularly but struggle eliminating stubborn fat preventing them from achieving desired athletic physique.

  • Ideal in patients with a Body Mass Index (BMI) less than 27.

  • Indicated in patients who are close to their ideal weight (with a BMI less than 30).

Secondary Liposuction
It can be done in patients who have had liposuction or a tummy tuck in the past.

Combination of Procedures
In many cases, a Liposuction HD can be combined with several procedures at the same time. The most common combinations are: breast surgeries, buttock and hip augmentation, in some cases tummy tucks, amongst other procedures.

The Procedure

The patient must be evaluated by Dr. Raúl López in a consultation, During the consultation the doctor will discuss the ideal technologies, the number of treated areas and techniques, and the combination of procedures necessary to give the patients their desired and most optimal results. Various health screenings will be required for the preoperative evaluation including an EKG, an evaluation with the cardiologist over the age of 40, among other preoperatory requirements.
During the consultation, the type of anesthesia will also be determined according to the patient’s and the procedures’ needs. Normally, an epidural block and sedation is used. In some minor cases only local anesthesia is necessary.
The surgery duration may vary, but normally lasts approximately 2-3 hours, depending on the combination of procedures and the number of healed areas.

One day before surgery or the same day, the doctor discusses and outlines the areas to be defined, contoured, reduced or augmented. Patients will be instructed to suspend any food or liquid intake for 8 hours before the surgery, along with other preoperatory requisits.

On the day of the surgery the patient’s body is prepared and liposuction begins with small incisions in inconspicuous areas of the body. MicroAire technology is used to remove the fat, and combined with Vaser ultrasound technology to further retract the tissues.

The Procedure

VASER is an ultrasound technology that helps extract fat from compact areas or fibrosis and also produces a retraction of the skin. Most of it is used for high definition liposuction to define certain muscles, giving results with a more regular surface.


  • The body looks more athletic,
  • A smaller waist is achieved
  • Natural definition in the abdomen and the treated areas

Post-operative care, diet and exercise are necessary for the patient to maintain their results.


    Patients are asked for one week of rest. Usually a week after high definition surgery, the patient can return to office work. Three to four weeks later, exercising in moderation can be resumed.

    Three weeks after surgery, patients may start taking endermologie or lymphatic massages. These are not required but are recommended for skin recovery. Endermologie packages are available at our clinic.

    Dr. Raúl López | Diseñado por