Face > Rhytidectomy


What is a Rhytidectomy?

What is a Rhytidectomy?

A facelift (also known as a rhytidectomy) is a surgery used to rejuvenate the face.

In a full rhytidectomy, we can improve facial furrows and excess skin around the chin and neck, lift the eyebrow and forehead, and remove excess skin from the cheeks, upper and lower eyelids.

All these procedures are not always necessary, rhytidectomy is a combination of procedures that are adapted for each patient. A complete rhytidectomy or partial rhytidectomy can be done.

Face rejuvenation

Face rejuvenation

Sun exposure, weight variations, and the natural aging process cause skin to sag and droop resulting in wrinkles and sagging cheeks.

Facial Rejuvenation is the combination of surgeries to rejuvenate the patient’s face. This procedure is focused according to individual variations to restore harmony where excess skin and/or tissue is removed from the required areas (Rhytidectomy) and if necessary we increase the deficient areas such as malars with fat grafting (facial lipoinjection). , nasogenian grooves, marionette lines, periorbital grooves, frontal depressions, etc.

In some patients the tissues can be found sagging, drooping eyebrows as well as bags of fat on the eyelids that give the appearance of being tired, in these cases facelift surgeries of the forehead, cheeks and neck are performed in addition to a blepharoplasty, which is when a little skin is removed from the eyelids and/or the fat bag.

Existing Procedures for Facial Rejuvenation

The choice and combination of procedures is chosen according to your needs

Complete Rhytidectomy Front Rhytidectomy Facial Rhytidectomy

• Front lift
• Cheek and neck stretching

• Front lift

• Cheek and neck stretching

Choice of procedures in conjunction with Rhytidectomy

Eyebrow lift

Facial lipoinjection

• Upper and lower eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)

Ritidectomía Frontal

• Levantamiento de frente

Ritidectomía Facial

• Restiramiento de mejillas y cuello

Elección de procedimientos en conjunto con la Ritidectomia

Levantamiento de cejas

Lipoinyección facial

• Cirugía de párpados (blefaroplastia) superiores e inferiores



The patient is monitored to always have her vital signs and general condition well-controlled. Under anesthesia, antiseptic cleaning and a series of standardized procedures are performed to prevent complications and perform safe plastic surgery.

Rhytidectomy is to correct flaccidity, redundant skin can be a cause of a patient appearing older, for which this procedure can improve. By restoring the lost volume, as well as repositioning the sagging tissues, Dr. Raul Lopez Castillo manages to rejuvenate the face and give it more harmony.


Facial rejuvenation can be done under local anesthesia and sedation or under general anesthesia.


  • Patients with facial flaccidity
  • Patients aged 40-70 years, healthy or controlled after cardiological assessment.

Age is not the most important thing, there are young people who lose weight and have sagging in the face, which is why they may be candidates for a surgery of this type.



The scars are planned to be as inconspicuous and of the best quality as possible in strategic places that are discussed during the consultation with Dr. Raul Lopez so that the patient has a clear idea of where the scars will be.

In a frontal rhytidectomy, the scars are covered since they are hidden in the scalp.

In a facial rhytidectomy, the scars are hidden in the lines of the ears and between the hair.



The objective of the surgery is to restore its appearance, which has been changing over time, achieving a natural-looking face, taking care of details to minimize the perception of scars.

Recovery and Care

Recovery and Care

  • Surgery time: 3 a 5 hours
  • Discharged:: The day after surgery. Bed rest is recommended for the first 24 hours.

The patient remains hospitalized for only one day at Laser Clinic, our private clinic, while when only the forehead and eyelids are done with facial lipoinjection, they can be discharged a few hours later. It is very important that these procedures are performed by certified plastic surgeons and in appropriate settings.

  • Relative Rest Time(the patient can walk and move, must get out of bed every hour during the day): 1 to 2 days later
  • Time to return to office work: : You may be presentable with makeup approximately 7-15 days after your surgery.
  • Time to strain (load 10lbs to 15lbs): 3 to 4 weeks.
  • Time to return to light exercise (cardio, aerobics…): (cardio, aerobics…)6 weeks later
  • Time to return to vigorous exercise 8 weeks later

Recommendations can be modified, recovery times vary in some cases and are recommended by Dr. Raúl Lopez

Post operative care

  • Preferably lie down with your head up with 2 or 3 pillows, you cannot lie on your stomach or on your side for the first few days.

Dr. Raúl López | Diseñado por